MASCOT Monthly Online Trauma Series CME 12/23: Special Regional Edition with Leeds Teaching Hospital, NHS Trust, UK

We are excited to share with you a recording of the latest webinar in the MASCOT Monthly Online Trauma Series. This special regional edition was held in collaboration with The Leeds Teaching Hospital, NHS Trust, United Kingdom.

The webinar featured a lineup of esteemed speakers who shared their expertise on various topics related to trauma. Dr Taj Hassan delivered a thought-provoking lecture on “Teaching Trauma Team Leadership Skills – What Works?” His insights on effective leadership in trauma situations were invaluable.

Dr Rathini discussed the significance of Whole Body CT in Adult Major Trauma. Her presentation shed light on the role of this diagnostic tool in assessing and managing trauma cases.

Dr Alia Yaqub shared her experiences and insights on trauma in West Yorkshire, UK. Her presentation provided a regional perspective on the challenges and advancements in trauma care in this area.

Lastly, Dr Seri Rohayu Bt Noew Hanzah e Mohd Ariff presented on the topic of Damage Control Resuscitation (DCR) Suite A Structure to Complement Process. Her talk highlighted the importance of a well-structured resuscitation suite in optimizing trauma care outcomes.

If you missed the live session or want to revisit the valuable information shared, you can now access the recording of this webinar. Simply click the link below to watch the webinar and gain insights from these esteemed speakers.

We hope you find this webinar recording informative and beneficial for your professional development in the field of trauma care. Stay tuned for more updates on the MASCOT Monthly Online Trauma Series.

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